Is Flutter better than React?

Your thoughts?


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Here is what ChatGPT had to say...

Whether Flutter is better than React depends on your specific use case, requirements, and preferences. Both Flutter and React are popular frameworks for building user interfaces, but they have different strengths and considerations:


  • Pros:
  • Single Codebase: Flutter allows you to build apps for multiple platforms (iOS, Android, web, desktop) using a single codebase. This can be advantageous for projects that need to target multiple platforms.
  • Rich UI: Flutter provides a rich set of customizable widgets that enable you to create complex and visually appealing user interfaces.
  • Performance: Flutter apps compile to native machine code, which can result in good performance and smooth animations.
  • Hot Reload: Flutter's hot reload feature allows you to see changes in your app's UI immediately during development, speeding up the iteration process.
  • Cons:
  • Learning Curve: Flutter uses its own programming language called Dart, which might have a steeper learning curve for developers who are more familiar with JavaScript.
  • Smaller Community: While the Flutter community is growing, it might not be as large as the React community, which could impact the availability of third-party libraries and resources.


  • Pros:
  • Large Community: React has a vast and active community, which means you'll find a wealth of resources, libraries, and tools to support your development.
  • Mature Ecosystem: React has been around longer and has a mature ecosystem of tools, extensions, and libraries, which can make development smoother.
  • Versatility: React can be used for web development (React), mobile app development (React Native), and even desktop applications (with tools like Electron).
  • Cons:
  • Separate Codebases: While React can be used for mobile app development (React Native), the codebase is not entirely shared between web and mobile apps. There might still be platform-specific code and adjustments.
  • Performance: While React is performant, Flutter's performance can be more consistent due to its compilation to native code.

Ultimately, the choice between Flutter and React depends on factors such as the platforms you want to target, your team's expertise, your project's requirements, and your personal preferences. If you're already experienced with JavaScript and the React ecosystem, React might be a more comfortable choice. On the other hand, if you value the ability to target multiple platforms with a single codebase and enjoy Dart's programming style, Flutter could be a strong contender.


The real question to be asking is if Flutter is better than React Native.

Remember that, at the end of the day, React is just a UI component library for JavaScript. React runs in a browser without any extra bells and whistles. Flutter is a full fledged framework that allows you to write code that compiles to native platform components (iOS and Android)

When you use React, you just write JavaScript for the browser. When you use Flutter, you download a bunch of tooling that translates the JavaScript into Objective C/Swift (iOS) and Java (Android)




Flutter and React are not exactly the same thing. Flutter is full fledged framework (like React Native). React is a component library


Flutter sucks. You have to learn Dart and no one cares.