Java Multithreading Examples

Java multithreading examples including two ways of multithreading, good examples, avoiding deadlock, and how many threads can run.

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OpenID Connect (OIDC) Example

An explanation of how OpenID works including the OpenID Connect flow, OpenID Connect examples, and OpenID Connect vs OAuth2

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What is an example of OpenID Connect?

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OAuth Example | How OAuth Works

OAuth and OAuth 2 explained including authorization codes, access tokens, grant types, implicit grants, and the OAuth 2 flow.

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What is Replication in MongoDB? Explain with an example.?

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Explain what are indexes in MongoDB, with example.?

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How we can use sharding in MongoDB, explain with an example.?

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1. Explain lookup, and write an example of lookup with a pipeline using in it.?

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@KafkaListener | Spring Boot Example

A Spring Boot example using the KafkaListener annotation including annotation properties, KafkaListenerContainerFactory and Default KafkaConsumerFactory explained.

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@Qualifier Example | Spring Boot

@Qualifier annotation example in Spring Boot including @Qualifier vs @Primary, the use of @Qualifier and examples.

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