Should I upgrade to Java 17?

Your thoughts?


Using the latest version of Java with LTS is never NOT a good idea in production. However, it's 2022 and the vast majority of companies are still using either 11 or 8 in production.

This is because after Java 8 the improvements to be found are much harder to identify from a developer standpoint. While 17 offers some syntactic sugar through preview features for switch statements, it's really hard to notice any difference from a coding perspective.

Most of the improvements found in both 17, 11 are internal and not making much of a difference on the surface level.

WITH THAT SAID there are lots of security and performance enhancements that shouldn't be ignored. If you're working at a larger organization then chances are security team will eventually more or less mandate an upgrade to at least 11.


Most people I know are still using Java 11 in production and that came out in 2018...


no, using Java 8 or 11 you are goochie in 2022 :)


Yes, if you are a master.



if you work with docker then upgrade to latest version with LTS shouldn't be a big deal and is recommended.